Ashley Weston Shares Her Journey Of Faith and Business

My Story

My story began at a young age as I grew up being surrounded by artistic talents as both my mother and grandmother made their living as professional artists. 

Over the years, I watched and helped my mom in the art business, from working local craft shows to presenting original paintings to the governor of SC, Carol Campbell, and even an original painting of the White House to President Ronald Regan in the Oval Office in Washington, DC.

Throughout my youth, a passion for creating beautiful things with my hands emerged. I loved learning from my mom as she was always an encouraging, patient and inspiring teacher.  Mom was always trying to teach me about all forms of art and we both had a lot of fun together in the process.

Fast forward many years...

Fast forward many years and at the end of 2015, God opened the door for something I had been praying about for 7 years; He created a way for me to share the love of Christ and spread his Word in a way I would have never dreamed of.  It’s funny how sometimes answered prayers come in ways you have never imagined.

For Christmas of 2015, I decided to make the women of my family jewelry as gifts.  It was super fun and therapeutic. Then, I felt like the Lord put on my heart to inscribe His encouraging truths aka scripture on the back so that these ladies could be constantly reminded of whose daughter they were and how much God loved them and also what His Word promised for those who believe.

I thought on the scripture, Proverbs 3:3, which instructs us to bind God’s word around your neck and write it on the tablet of your heart, and as I thought about these words, Hidden Truth Jewelry was birthed.  I made a necklace for myself and was so encouraged to constantly glance at the scripture on the back, that I felt like maybe I could also encourage other women as well.


No matter who you are, we as women go through ups and downs and God says that the Word of God is living and active and it will never return void, so I believe that the Lord can bring life, strength, love, joy, hope and peace when one of His children wears a piece of jewelry and glances at His promise to her.

Hidden Truth Jewelry has expanded to earrings, necklaceskeychains, and bracelets that all have scripture on the back–the front of each piece is beautiful, but the true treasure is hidden on the back.

Shop Hidden Truth Jewelry!

Ashley Weston's Official Biography

Ashley Weston was born and raised in South Carolina and graduated from Clemson University. She and her husband have been married for 19 years and have 2 children.

After working in the Insurance Industry for 15 years Ashley started a new jewelry line, Hidden Truth Jewelry in January 2016.  Hidden Truth Jewelry was inspired by the Lord and created to encourage women and girls in faith by inscribing scripture on the back of each piece to spread the gospel and glorify God.
Ashley enjoys leading Bible studies, going on short term mission trips to Nicaragua and feels passionate about encouraging and empowering women in every stage of their life.  Ashley loves the Lord and seeks daily to humbly follow him and intentionally love others by leaving eternal imprints of Jesus’ love with everyone she meets.

Request Ashley To Speak At Your Event Or Trunk Show!