3 Mindsets to Living Victoriously
One quality we all share as humans is we want to win. We not only want to win, but we want to win every time and in a BIG way. The good news for you as a believer and follower of Christ is that you already have victory because of what your perfect Savior did for you on the cross. But even though you have the victory, you may not be living in victory. You have a real enemy whose purpose is to prevent you from walking in all that Jesus paid for you to receive on the cross. And even if he could not stop you from salvation, he will try at all costs to making you believe you aren’t victorious here on earth.
Friend, that lie and wrong mindset ends today. Today, I want to share 3 mindsets with you that will bring breakthrough in your life and if you so choose to let the Lord renew your mind daily, you have the ability through Christ to live victoriously every day no matter what. Are you ready?
1.Walk by Faith and Not Sight
2 Corinthians 5:7 says, “For we live by faith not sight.”
It is completely natural to walk by sight. Our senses are a gift from God, however, when we are born again, we are gifted with the Holy Spirit who will lead us into God’s perfect plan for our life. To live victoriously, you must learn to constantly listen for the leading of the Holy Spirit and then boldly decide to surrender understanding by your 5 senses and choose faith and trust in God instead. This mindset is a journey to learn to walk in, but each and every time you choose to trust God and walk by faith, God will give you courage as you see God’s ways are always good. I have learned that the harder it feels to walk by faith, then the bigger the move of God is on the other side of your obedience. So choose faith and watch God powerfully bring abundantly exceedingly more than all you could ask or imagine.
2. Stay Focused and Avoid Distraction
2 Corinthians 10:5 says, “We demolish arguments and every prevention that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
Daily victory begins in your thoughts. From the moment you wake up, you have a choice to make...listen to the destructive, negative voice of the one that wants to harm you or listen to the truth of your loving Heavenly Father who already has it all planned out for you...The enemy wants to distract you so he can get you off the path of peace and joy. You must stay focused at all times and take captive any negative, condemning, harmful thoughts that present themselves to the door of your mind. Ask yourself, is this really true or is it a lie? And if it is a lie, then what is really the truth? Ask the Holy Spirit and he will lead you into all truth which will bring your mind back to peace, joy and contentment. Make it a priority to know what God’s word says so you can quickly and easily bring to mind what God’s truth, your truth, is. As you continually practice this and learn to quickly take all thoughts captive, you are well on your way to living victoriously every second of the day.
3. Look for the Provision
Philippians 4:19 says, “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”
God supplied manna for the Israelites each and every day when they were on their way to the promise land. He gave them exactly what they needed for that day. God is a good God who does not change His ways. He will supply all of your needs even more so now because of your relationship with Jesus. But you must look for it. It’s there, but you have to be willing to be on the lookout for every way God provides. Keep an open mindset that God’s provision may come packaged differently than you desire, but there is purpose and reason (for your benefit) for what He supplies. As you see the provision and thank Him, you will grow stronger in your ability to continue walking by faith not sight.
Friend, God loves you and God has a good plan for your life. He has it all planned out for you, so just look up. Press into the Holy Spirit's leading and let go of understanding when it stands in the way of faith. God's way is truly immeasurably more than all you can imagine!