The Proverbs 3:5 Challenge

The Proverbs 3:5 Challenge

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." 

Proverbs 3:5 NIV


Could it be any coincidence that 2020 has played out so much differently than any other year most of us have ever lived through?  Is there more that God is wanting us to see when we think about everything going on in this year 2020?  What if we had perfect 20/20 spiritual vision?  What would God want to show us that is really taking place "behind the scene?"  

I want to challenge you, myself included, to chew on the above verse.  What would you life look like if you really trusted in the Lord with all of your heart?  What would your life look like if you chose not to act on feelings, on senses, on tradition, culture, or what the past would tell you, but instead chose faith in God and leaning on His ways, His Word, and His promises?

Could we have better 20/20 vision to see the things that God is really up to that will encourage us even if physical sight would conclude otherwise if we chose the above stance?  I think so.  Would we open the door to see the Miracle Worker working if we chose to look beyond the surface of things and see the heart of God, and dared to trust him as if walking blindly?  I think so.  Would chosing to believe instead of doubt pave the way to walk where most people don't with the "Nothing shall be impossible WayMaker?"  I believe so.

This is my stance and this is my choice.  I am choosing to believe God no matter what.  I am choosing God's Word is true and I will cling to every single promise.  Stand firm with me friend!  Take the Proverbs 3:5 challenge with me each and every day and know that God is faithful, He's with you always, and He promises to work everything out for good for those who love Him who are called to His purposes.  Trust God with ALL of your heart, and don't lean on your own understanding.  Choose to fight the emotional pull instead and believe God at His Word above all else.  I think we will all begin to see more clearly.....




Owner, Hidden Truth Jewelry

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