Got Hit The

Got Hit The "Reset" Button!

Isaiah 40:31 says,
 “but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

Sunrises at the beach are a true gift.  Last week, the Lord gave me the most beautiful gift as I awoke to this beautiful scenery.  There’s nothing like starting your day off seeing some of the miracles of creation.

I have to admit that the last couple of months I have been a bit overwhelmed with the throws of life.  I have been going and going and didn’t know how to stop. 

On vacation last week at the beach, the Lord renewed my strength.  As I used the early mornings to enjoy special moments with my Savior, and put my hope in him and pressed into him, it was as if he hit the “reset” button in my heart and mind.

It is so easy to complain, be negative, feel hopeless at times….us women go through so many ups and downs.  But what I realized was that I was taking my focus off of Jesus and onto my problems…onto myself…and therefore, my strength quickly faded and I became weak.  I literally was about to “faint” emotionally! 

As I began to re-focus on the amazing glory of God and all of the wonderful blessings He has given me, and put my hope in HIM alone, he reset me. He renewed me.  He restored me and returned to me the joy of His salvation.

Each day is a gift.  God gives us the gift, but we must remember that it is a gift, and then open it up to enjoy it!  My brother in law said something so profound last week as we chatted about life sitting on the beach that has stuck with me….Why is it that whenever you hear the forecast reported, the weather man always

  What if we looked at the weather as the chance of SUNSHINE instead of rain?  What if we said, today’s forecast is 70% chance of sunshine instead of 30% of rain?!

And what if we took that perspective and applied it to every aspect of our life?  Yes, each day has worries and problems of it’s own, but instead of looking at the problems, what if we looked at the blessings?  We have to re-focus again daily on God and how He can truly do ALL things through ANY situation….Let’s stop looking at our self and our limited capabilities…

Allow your loving Father to renew your strength today by taking your eyes off of yourself, your problems, your world and placing them on Jesus.

Pray this prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father, give me eyes to see you more clearly and ears to block out any other voice other than you so I can hear every loving thing you whisper to me.  Allow me to see the sunshine in this day instead of the rain!  Lord, I will place my hope in you.  Thank you that you will make me soar on wings like eagles. I am trusting that you will allow me to continue to run this race of life and not grow weary. Thank you that you will give me the strength to keep putting one foot in front of the other and walk and not grow faint!!!  Thank you that you are faithful and your mercies are new each day.  I love you.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

May you be blessed as you enjoy this gift of today! 

xoxo Ashley 

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I meet women everyday that are so dehydrated from the world and thirsty for something...and I want to reveal the hidden truth that this somethingis JESUS.

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